Building advanced costing models is great, but the ability to share results is equally important. Most organizations have made significant investments in business intelligence systems, data warehouses and other applications to store and share data.
Because ImpactECS is designed to fit into any IT architecture, there are a variety of ways that costing results are shared within an organization.
Internal Reporting Tools
ImpactECS has a built-in report designer based on the commercially-available Crystal Reports designer. With ImpactECS, users can build report templates for cost sheets, WIP valuations, price lists, or any set of costing data.
Microsoft Excel© Reporting Tools
The easy-to-install add-in lets end users build and populate cost data reports right inside Microsoft Excel making it simple to share and manipulate data from ImpactECS.
External Reporting Tools
Users can manually or automatically publish ImpactECS data to external databases or third-party reporting applications to leverage existing IT investments.