Semiconductors & Electronics

From semiconductor fabricators with thousands of production steps to electronics manufacturers with lots of components and SKUs, having a detailed view of costs and profits is vital to making informed decisions. ImpactECS connects existing data and systems to calculate detailed product costs and variances, determine profits by product or customer, run simulations for planning, analyze supply chains, or other important analytics activities.

⇒ Visit our Solutions Page for more about the ways we deliver value to finance teams and executives.

Connect existing data from ERP and finance systems, manufacturing systems, data warehouses, or wherever data lives in your organization with business rules and assumptions to calculate the answers needed to both understand past performance and predict future outcomes with ImpactECS.

Industry Sectors

Fully Integrated Fabrication
Contract Fabrication
Manufacturing Free/Design
Test & Assembly

With ImpactECS, semiconductor and electronics manufacturers can:

  • Set standard costs and calculate actual costs for an integrated supply chain (wafer fab, assembly, test, package, and distribution)
  • Evaluate internal and outsourced costs simultaneously to make better sourcing decisions
  • Build budgets and rates using unlimited drivers and different allocation strategies
  • Perform variance analysis on critical data including purchase prices, yields, rework, alternate production paths and absorptions
  • Calculate a true yielded cost at each step to value inventory and identify operational improvements
  • Capture revenue information to determine product and customer profitability at appropriate or available levels
  • Integrate tightly with shop floor MES and process control systems including PROMIS, Workstream and SiView

ImpactECS is a dynamic modeling platform that gives you access to the accurate and detailed cost and profitability results critical to guiding your business.


Solutions for Semiconductors and Electronics Companies:


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understand their costs and profits