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Tag Archives: leadership
CFO Magazine: 4 Strategic Priorities for the Modern CFO
“That means finding the right combination of platforms, processes, and people that can be enhanced by digital solutions. Actions, therefore, need to be taken in concert: automation for collections and invoice processing; a modernized enterprise resource platform (ERP) and general ledger platform to help employees leverage information faster; data analytics to improve decision-making; and real-time operational insights through tools used in the field, as well as the back office.”
Harvard Business Review: In a Volatile World, Your Strategy Must Be Flexible
“Executives routinely contend that their businesses are more unpredictable than ever before. As it turns out, they’re right. If you carefully examine the factors that drive unpredictability in complex systems, you discover that in most sectors of the economy they have intensified. The result is that the number of potential future states that executives need to account for in making strategic choices has skyrocketed.”
Harvard Business Review: When to Change Your Company’s P&L Responsibilities
“Changing an organization’s primary dimension, i.e., making a different choice of which verticals have full P&L responsibility, is not something to get into lightly. But don’t do it belatedly either, when your degrees of freedom and the time to handle it carefully are severely limited.”
FP&A Trends: How to Become a Compelling Storyteller
“More than half of the participants responded that they are still spending the majority of their time on data reconciliation and reporting. About 35% are spending the majority of time on analysing and interpreting data, while only 9% spends most of their time on storytelling and business partnering.”
CFO Journal: CFOs Seek Stronger Ties With Business Unit Leaders
“Financial performance (42.7%) was the next-most-often mentioned priority for 2022. CFOs plan to use a range of levers to enhance it, such as increasing margins, improving pricing to navigate inflation concerns, managing profitability, focusing on EBITDA, and hitting transformational milestones. Growth (31.6%) was the third most dominant theme among CFOs’ priorities, followed by strategy setting, cost management, capital allocation, and IT infrastructure.” As well for small business is very important that you do a proper manage of your business payroll, and you can get this with the help from professionals in payroll administration services.
Forbes: The New Essential CFO Skillset
“Over the last fifteen months, the role of the CFO has become significantly more complex. In fact, according to Deloitte’s recent North American “CFO Signals”survey of CFOs in Q1 2021, more than half of respondent CFOs (54%) reported “having higher demands from their executive/leadership teams since the beginning of the pandemic.””
Industry Week: Operations Managers: Rising to the Challenges of 2021
“Operations leaders remain under pressure to deliver outstanding results. It is important to remember that simply driving efficiency and reducing costs are not everything.”
“To create a truly resilient organization, it is critical to fully align technology with people and processes.”
Robert Kugel on LinkedIn: Value-Based Planning Improves Corporate Performance
“Value-based planning, in my context, is an approach to corporate planning and budgeting that integrates operational planning and financial budgeting; a forward-looking exercise that incorporates “things” not just money. Things like headcount, kilowatt hours used, less-than-truckload shipments, invoices processed and so on. This is more effective because, for one, those responsible for a business unit think about their requirements and objectives mainly in terms of things they need to achieve and the things they use to achieve those objectives. Money is an abstraction of those things.”