The Ledger

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analytical business leaders

Industry Week: Digital Transformation Is Increasingly about Reimagining Manufacturing’s Business Model

“Technology will play an inevitable role in the future of manufacturing. As everybody across the manufacturing ecosystem—suppliers, manufacturers, OEMs, and distributors—embraces the digital evolution in some form or fashion, the choice is no longer whether or not to go digital but instead how fast they can do so.”

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SF Magazine: CFO to CFO: Budgeting to Fund Strategic Plans

“It starts with finance being a business partner across the organization. For us, the finance organization isn’t on the sideline, waiting to be called in to the game; they’re on the field, part of running the plays that are called. And with that, there’s a clear partnership with our operations, commercial, and technical colleagues, which makes it a lot easier to inform the decision-making process.”

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FP&A Trends: Rolling Forecasts: The Important Role of Technology

“Year-end forecasts help to make the decisions required to achieve annual goals. However, they can be relatively inflexible. Due to the time needed for preparation, they are also based on data that may be halfway up to date when creating the forecast but quickly become outdated during the fiscal year. This is where introducing Rolling Forecasts is particularly valuable for organisations in industries and markets with high volatility.”

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SF Magazine: Facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution

“The FIR will require leadership to ensure members of the profession develop the skills necessary to grow into the next generation of accounting leaders. This is the opportunity to embrace the benefits of new technology and to step away from some of the early-career tedious mechanical tasks.”

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