American & Efird Selects Impact:ECS as Enterprise Costing Choice

15 January 2008
Atlanta, Georgia

American & Efird has committed to expanding their use of the Impact:ECS Enterprise Cost System by upgrading to an enterprise software licensing agreement with 3C Software. The company, which produces thread for industrial manufacturers and apparel makers, has production locations worldwide. Implementation will begin with American & Efird’s three new manufacturing locations in China.

As an existing customer, this engagement presents a number of exciting opportunities to build on the investment already realized in the US-based costing system. The 3C Software Professional Services team will work directly with American & Efird finance and technology teams to implement a costing system that meets the needs of all production locations worldwide. Impact:ECS’ capabilities include the ability to handle multiple currencies simultaneously, manage permissions for sensitive information, and roll-up costs to create reports and export results to other systems.

“Impact:ECS is uniquely designed to handle challenges that multinational manufacturers face,” said Matthew Smith, 3C Software’s CEO. “Going forward, American & Efird will benefit from the flexibility of the system’s tools to accommodate the vast differences in managing costs in different countries.”

About 3C Software
3C Software, developers of Impact:ECSâ„¢ and Impact:3C®, was founded in 1989 and is a leader in detailed cost management systems for process manufacturers. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, 3C Software serves clients in several manufacturing industries including automotive, textile and apparel, pulp and paper, semiconductor, chemical and rubber, and food and beverage. 3C Software’s rapidly implemented solutions work with all accounting methods, are simple to maintain, and handle unlimited calculations and variables. For more information about 3C Software, visit or call 800-226-2036.