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Tag Archives: cost analytics

Modern CFOs Are Leading the Charge to Improve Cost Management Outcomes

“CFOs can improve savings programs with the right architecture and information systems in place.”

In the past, the focus of cost management strategies has been on saving and cost-cutting to fund growth and profitability. Traditional approaches to cost management were streamlining business processes, reducing external spend, improving policy compliance and integrating organizational structure. Although relying on tactical improvements to achieve strategic-level cost targets is likely the primary reason many cost programs haven’t been successful, there are other significant barriers as well.

Find out how much money your business could save using this AP cost savings calculator.

Deloitte’s 2019 Global Cost Survey found that many cost management programs fail because they lack the proper architecture― outdated ERP systems, disparate legacy tools and poorly structured cost management programs. Armed with intelligent technologies and a forward-thinking mindset, leading CFOs are shifting their focus to fund the digital transformation needed to develop the agile business models that position companies to grow in digitally disrupted markets.

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Navigating the Cost Stages of Your Business

“Transformative companies know that having access to accurate cost information is more than just a novel exercise, but the insights can drive real competitive advantages.”

In business and in life, every single decision comes at a cost. Fully understanding each cost associated with a choice is a critical activity for any company looking to compete and grow. Cost stages in a business are like life stages – as you grow, you must refine each step in the process to thrive. Each stage requires different tools and capabilities designed to handle everything from minor bumps and bruises to major interventions. To make better business decisions, finance leaders must first improve the way they leverage their cost data to propel long-term, sustainable growth.

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Drive Business Strategy with Cost Optimization

According to Gartner’s 2018 IT Budget Benchmark for Midsize Enterprises, IT spend represents 3.5% of total business revenue.

“Rather than solely focusing on optimizing those costs, progressive CIOs rethink how technology investments can influence the other 96.5% of spending. CIOs that approach conversations about cost optimization from a strategic investment perspective are better equipped to balance critical business priorities while driving long-term cost savings.”

IT cost optimization isn’t only about cutting costs or identifying new sources of efficiency. It is also about strategic investments oriented around business objectives.

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The Power of Cost Transparency

“The effectiveness of cost information is driven less by the cost method chosen, and more by the design and implementation of the cost allocation model used to support that method.”

While many businesses effectively analyze their revenue based on products, services, and customers, they often lack meaningful insight into their costs and profits. Companies with a disparate array of financial systems and costing methods find it extremely challenging to understand their financial data and achieve cost transparency. Getting cost data to a more granular level is one of the keys to arming managers with the insights they need to support strategic decision making that goes beyond what is necessary for financial reporting or inventory valuation. To improve overall performance, finance leaders need to make changes to how costs are captured and then harmonize both data and allocation models across the organization.

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How a CFO’s Cost Management Style Can Have a Major Impact on Growth

CFOs distinguish themselves by the cost management practices they implement in their organization – from choosing to eliminate negative cost management practices that drag down earnings, to employing positive ones that increase revenue and profits. Cost optimization is not a new topic for finance leaders, but the practice has taken on new dimensions with the help of sophisticated tools and technologies. CFOs are now operating in a challenging environment where costs have outpaced revenue. Gartner research showed the average shareholder return among companies that employed a balanced approach was 7% higher than their peers. But what role does the CFO play in effectively managing the cost piece of the balanced approach?

Read More at Smarter with Gartner >


Effective Cost Transformation Requires Buy-In From the C-Suite

Cost management is no longer simply a way for companies to improve margins and save money. Finance leaders are now using cost reduction as a powerful lever for digital transformation and to gain better insight into their business. Often times, CEOs delegate responsibility for cost reduction efforts to other leaders within the business. This hands-off approach could be costing their company a lot more money and strategic opportunities than they realize because CEOs have the clout and broad organizational reach to break down a lot of barriers that often hinder successful cost reduction efforts. By bringing a more strategic perspective to cost management, and directly encouraging teams to think bigger, CEOs can enable breakthroughs that are more impactful, such as re-configuring the business or changing the operating model. These strategic cost management approaches offer potential savings that are much larger − and much more sustainable.

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New Costing Priorities Are Changing the Way We Do Business

In the wake of digital transformation becoming a standard business practice, it is no surprise that modern organizations are shifting their costing priorities from cost reduction to cost transformation. Companies that relied on more traditional cost management methods are now finding that dynamic technologies can open the door to a whole new level of savings. These additional cost savings allow businesses to compete more effectively in an increasingly digital environment. This change in business strategy drives finance leaders’ priorities to focus more on implementing the best technology for their business, and ultimately increase product profitability.  A best in class tool that caters to specific business needs enables organizations to achieve end-to-end visibility of their costs and use this information to better understand what is driving their profits.

Read More at CFO Magazine >


New Research Proves Cost Management is Still a Global Imperative

In today’s increasingly digital world, businesses recognize the need to transform their operations and capabilities by adopting more integrated and dynamic technologies. Deloitte recently released their 2019 Global Cost Survey, and the findings show that cost reduction and cost management remains a top priority for businesses worldwide. “By harnessing the power of digital technology to streamline their cost structures and generate cost savings, companies can take full advantage of the latest digital innovations — becoming the disrupters, rather than the disrupted.” – Omar Aguilar, principal and global strategic cost transformation leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP. We all know there are only two ways to grow profits – generate more revenue or reduce costs. Investing in technology to drive down costs is important – but investing in technology to understand the true drivers of cost in your organization is equally important.

Read the full report at Deloitte >