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SF Magazine: The CFO Playbook

“Many CFOs are hesitant to shift business models because of the negative impact on short-term revenue. To calm this fear, finance teams should use scenario modeling and financial planning tools to analyze the potential cost of the immediate shift vs. the revenue potential over time. By modeling different scenarios, offerings, and market conditions, company leadership can see what investments make the most financial sense and have the highest potential for continuous revenue growth.”

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CFO Magazine: Labor Shortage and Supply Disruptions Weighed on CFOs in Q3

“Most chief financial officers also reported that their firms were experiencing supply chain disruptions that they expect to last into 2022 or later. Fewer than 10% of those surveyed said they anticipated the troubles to be resolved by the end of the year.”

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CFO Journal: Look Beyond Direct Suppliers to Procure New Savings

“Despite the ongoing quest many CFOs have undertaken to turn the procurement function from a cost center into a source of value, optimizing indirect spend all too often is lower on the priority list. But CFOs and CPOs can collaborate to gain control over such spending —and now is a propitious time to do it.”

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CFO Journal: Supply Chain Snarls Throw a Double Punch to Costs and Sales

“Among surveyed CFOs, 44% report that supply chain shortages or delays increased their companies’ costs by 5% or more. Nearly one-third (32%) note that their 2021 sales have fallen due to delays or shortages, with 28% expecting future sales this year to suffer. More than two-thirds of respondents (69%) indicate that their supply chains would become more diversified over the next three years, with 23% expecting greater vertical integration of their supply chains.”

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