The Ledger

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analytical business leaders

CFO Dive: 4 cost management mistakes for CFOs to avoid in 2021

Gartner analysts highlighted four of the most common mistakes CFOs make as they narrow their focus on cost optimization amid a prolonged economic downturn:

  1. Making blanket cuts with unrealistic targets
  2. Failing to sustain behavior change
  3. Slowing down the organization
  4. Choking off innovation

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CFO Journal: Medtronic CFO: The Role of Finance in Crisis Response

Finance plays a crucial role. Along with the CEO and our business unit leaders, our global finance organization is a strategic partner in developing and ensuring strong execution against our longer-term strategy. Strategy needs to be tied closely to investments, financial planning, and forecasting, so our finance teams have a natural connection to strategic planning and execution.

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Industry Week: What Makes a High-Performance Organization?

“The process for developing a high-performance organization requires measurement. If you value something, then it should be measured. If you think that measurement is unnecessary, then you do not place much value on the activity.”

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SF Magazine: Change Your Approach to Finance Strategy

“We used to spend a lot of time analyzing historical data to in­form business planning; we’ve now switched to a predictive approach to financial planning, looking at a wider range of key indicators such as sales pipeline data. This allows finance professionals to help senior management project what’s likely to happen and make better decisions through the use of real-time data.”

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