WEBINAR: The Cost of Not Costing Right!


Thursday, November 9 | 11 AM EST

3C Software’s Adrian Rochofksi will be joining Society of Cost Engineers for a webinar on “The Cost of Not Costing Right!”

Now more than ever it is important to have all your product costing, quoting, and pricing processes established in your organization.

This presentation will discuss “having the right data in the right place”, applying the right business logic on how to calculate cost and profit margins, and how it supports in making better data driven decisions for your organization.

Learn how companies are successfully living the journey from costing a product to creating accurate customer facing price quotes for their products and end up using analytical toolsets to create Quote to Actual analysis activities identifying profit margin leakages across the value chain.

Register for webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3KEwb8wMSt-PcNMef1mDog#/registration
