3C Software: A Leading Provider of Cost and Profitability Solutions
“With over 100 years of collective experience developing cost and profitability models across a wide range of industries, 3C Software has the expertise to help companies solve the most complicated business analysis challenges.”
3C Software is honored to be recognized by Silicon Review as a leading provider of cost and profitability solutions. This article highlights some key aspects about our company and what sets us apart from other enterprise costing and profitability models on the market.
“The costing and financial insight you gain with ImpactECS is the foundation for better business decisions that drive profitability.”
Today’s company CFOs want to understand the future before it happens. Whether it’s reacting to changing market conditions or deciding whether to acquire a company, there is an impact on costs and ultimately overall profits. 3C Software provides a perfect platform called “ImpactECS” that provides the ability to model any business scenario, making it possible to analyze an unlimited number of possibilities using the same logic and data.
Read the article in its entirety Here!