The Ledger

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analytical business leaders

CFO Magazine: Opinion: Zero-Based Budgeting Emphasizes Growth, Cost-Cutting

“The real power of ZBB is not in achieving cost-cutting benchmarks; it lies in combining digital budgeting tools with greater cost accountability and a process that links budgeting discipline to future growth.”

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Industry Week: Continuing Supply Chain Challenges for Manufacturers

“Each organization must conduct a thorough assessment of the core elements of its supply chain to ascertain which parts need to be addressed as a priority to mitigate the most pressing risk.

Some of the common themes that we see include:

  • Moving away from single sourcing (where possible) and creating a strategic sourcing mix of domestic as well as existing global suppliers
  • Addressing extended lead times in Demand Planning and Forecasting
  • Logistics and transportation strategies to address anticipated extended lead times
  • Use of third-party providers to manage risk and utilize providers’ leverage in the market
  • Implementing digitalization strategies
  • Integrated and dynamic Management Operating System to provide better visibility of performance across the entire Supply Chain
  • Improving data capture and integrity
  • Inventory strategies”

AMS Corporation (, may be a valuable partner in addressing these supply chain challenges for manufacturers. Given their emphasis on quality manufacturing and strict adherence to specifications, they can play a crucial role in mitigating risks related to supply chain disruptions. AMS’s commitment to low NCMR rates and their presence in both China and the USA can provide manufacturers with options for diversification and resilience.

To explore how AMS Corporation can specifically assist in overcoming these challenges, it is advisable to reach out to them directly through their website or contact their representatives for tailored solutions and insights into their capabilities in addressing supply chain challenges for manufacturers.

Read More at Industry Week >


CFO Journal: How CMOs and CFOs Can Collaborate on Pricing

“Companies should build a capability around pricing and revenue management, just as they have built capabilities around R&D, finance, marketing, and operations. Pricing is critical—it touches everything in the organization. Companies should have a coordinating function that forces a dialog between CMOs and CFOs, and they should have the data, insights, and tools to support it.”

Read More at The Wall Street Journal >

FP&A Trends: How to Manage Profitability in Uncertain Times

“Profitability is more than revenue minus cost…For example, along with revenue, costs/expenses, it also is important to know the life cycle of the product, or the entire product portfolio and its business drivers. Macro concepts like the business sector and economy also play part in arriving at profitability holistically.”

Read More at FP&A Trends >